Botanical Health Magazine

Botanical Health Magazine is a weekly online publication about current botanical health issues. We are determined to educate and inform those interested in good health, by discussing the benefits of clean food, and harmful chemicals that contaminate our world. Let us help you in your journey towards healthier living.....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Calcium and Calcium Deficiency.....

Calcium..... is arguably the most important nutrient in your body. As the most abundant mineral it has several important functions. More than 99% of your calcium is stored in your bones and teeth where it supports their structure and is ready to be called into action for many other critical functions.1 A few of these calcium functions are muscle contraction, blood vessel contraction and expansion, the secretion of hormones and enzymes, and sending messages through the nervous system.2 The amount of calcium in your body fluid and tissues is closely regulated so that these vital body processes function efficiently.

Your bones are continuously breaking down and being formed at the same time. This process of remodeling involves a constant breakdown of bone (resorption) and deposition of calcium into newly deposited bone (bone formation).2 The balance between bone resorption and deposition changes as you age. When you are a child there is a higher amount of bone formation and less breakdown. In early and middle adulthood, these processes are relatively equal. As an aging adult, particularly among postmenopausal women, your bone breakdown exceeds its formation, resulting in bone loss, which increases your risk for osteoporosis.

Calcium Deficiency.....The US Surgeon General warns that by 2020, ½ of people over 50 will be at risk for osteoporotic fractures! Not osteoporosis, but worse than that - fractures! Notice that the Surgeon General did not say "those over 80" are at risk of fracture. He said "over 50"! America is one of the top sufferers from Osteoporosis in the world. Why, you ask? Look at the following major government studies.

From 1982 -1986 the US Food and Drug Administration conducted the "Total Diet Study" in which they found Calcium, Magnesium and several other minerals were deficient in several ages and gender groups.

In 1996 USDA completed its "Continuing Survey of Food Intakes of Individuals" corroborated the FDA's study. The USDA found both boys and girls, men and women deficient in Calcium. The most shocking statistic is for teen girls - 87% do not get recommended intakes of calcium. The Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and others are also warning that we need adequate calcium.

Recent clinical studies show that if you supplement to build bone as children, it's like depositing "money in the bank" for your old age. Bone loss is inevitable for women and men as we age, but if you started out with a large account it helps later in life. In other words, osteoporosis is largely preventable!

Your Magnesium Status.....Magnesium deficiency alters your calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium. Please see our magnesium pages for more information on magnesium deficiency, and magnesium benefits.

Your Age.....Your children's calcium absorption can be as high as 60% because their bodies need calcium to build strong bones. Your absorption slowly decreases to 15-20% in adulthood and even more as you age. Because your calcium absorption declines with age, recommendations for dietary intake of calcium are higher if you are age 51 and over.

Vegetables To Eat.....Phytic acid and oxalic acid, which are found naturally in some plants, may bind to calcium and prevent it from being absorbed optimally. It is important to note that these substances affect the absorption of calcium from the plant itself not the calcium found in other calcium-containing foods eaten at the same time.

Examples of high oxalic acid foods are spinach, collard greens, sweet potatoes, rhubarb, and beans. Foods high in phytic acid include whole grains, beans, seeds, nuts, grains, and soy isolates.

Get Your Calcium.....Order today at!

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