Botanical Health Magazine

Botanical Health Magazine is a weekly online publication about current botanical health issues. We are determined to educate and inform those interested in good health, by discussing the benefits of clean food, and harmful chemicals that contaminate our world. Let us help you in your journey towards healthier living.....

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Diabetic Foot Care

Poor circulation, also known as Peripheral Vascular Disease is a common complication in diabetics who have had the disease for some time. It is due to the excess buildup of sugar in the body. This tends to cause an increase in the fat and cholesterol, which then results in a narrowing or closing off of both the larger and smaller blood vessels. This results in less oxygen and nourishment being supplied to the feet and toes. When this does happen, the skin may break down, sores may then occur, which then can lead to infection and or ulcers.

People with diabetes can reduce their risk of amputation by following a few simple guidelines:
1. Have your doctor check your bare feet at every visit.
2. Cut your toenails straight across when possible. Make sure there are no sharp points left, by using an emery board
3. Wash your feet daily, using warm not hot water.
4. Check them for bumps or sores daily.
5. Use a lotion or moisturizer on your feet to help prevent the skin from cracking or breaking down.
6. Do not wear stockings with seams.
7. Break in new shoes very slowly. Wear them for only one hour a day for the first week, then add an hour to the wearing time every week.
8. Check your shoes every time you put them on, in order to avoid anything that may cause an irritation of the feet to occur.
9. It is not advised to go barefoot due to the nerve loss on the bottom of the feet.
10. When possible cut your toenails straight across, making sure not to leave an edge that could cut into the other toes.
12. When bathing check the water temperature with your elbow before getting in the bath.
13. If your feet stay cold at night wear socks, but do not use hot water bottles, or any other device directly on your feet.
14. Always see a podiatrist, a foot specialist, to take care of your feet, and notify them if you see that a problem area is not healing well.
Our #1 pick for a chemical free, all natural foot care product is Hand & Foot Repair, by Salmon Creek Botanicals. Olive oil based, and infused with calendula flowers, this all natural ointment penetrates deeply into the skin tissue, leaving no greasy feel. It has no synthetic ingredients! Only the finest essential oils are added for their anit-inflammatory, and anticeptic qualities. You can find them on the web at Try the 2oz. Hand & Foot Repair for only $8.00 today!

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