Botanical Health Magazine

Botanical Health Magazine is a weekly online publication about current botanical health issues. We are determined to educate and inform those interested in good health, by discussing the benefits of clean food, and harmful chemicals that contaminate our world. Let us help you in your journey towards healthier living.....

Monday, September 28, 2009

Gear Up For Cold and Flu Early This Season.....

Get a jump start on cold and flu this year by following these simple guidlines.....

*Get plenty of sleep-regularly!
*Take a multivitamin and extra vitamin c with bioflavinoids
*Eat a diet rich with fruits and vegetables to get plenty of antioxidants, or supplement with vitamin A, beta caratene, and green tea.
*Take zinc supplements and or calcium supplements that include zinc.
*Exercise regularly
*Get adequate protein
*Drink lots of water
*Avoid becoming overstressed

*Take an immune system booster such as Astra 8 or another formulation of reishi or shitake mushrooms and astragalus, the herbs are tonifying, which means that they strengthen our system over time.

And if you do develop cold or flu symptoms, you cam stimulate your body with natural remedies such as echinacea and or goldenseal to stop and infection in it's tracks or to shorten its duration.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Little Information about Kidney Disease.....

When you have kidney disease, your kidneys are no longer able to filter waste products and fluids from your blood. You can help control a buildup of these substances by avoiding foods that tend to make the problem worse.

It is also important to make sure you get enough calories. Healthy eating can help control your blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol and blood sugar levels to help slow the progression of kidney disease. Your doctor may recommend calcium supplements or vitamin D for bone health.
Each person has different needs, based on body weight, size, and remaining kidney function. Most people need to limit sodium, fluids, and protein. Some also have to limit potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. A registered dietitian or nutritionist can help make an eating plan that is right for you.

For general ideas on how to follow the diet your doctor or dietitian recommends, see:

To limit sodium:

Make a habit of reading food labels. Avoid foods that list salt (sodium) or monosodium glutamate (MSG) near the beginning of the list.

Do not use processed cheeses or canned, pickled, or smoked meats, which may be high in sodium.

Do not add salt to your food. Use lemon, herbs, and other spices to improve the flavor of your meals.

To limit protein:

Work with a dietitian to develop an eating plan that balances your need for less protein with enough protein to stay healthy.

Your dietitian may tell you to limit high-protein foods to 5 to 7 ounces (142 g to 198 g) a day. A 3-ounce (85 g) serving of protein is about the size of a deck of cards.
Learn about the sources of protein. Most people know that meats, fish, and dairy products contain protein. They may not know that foods such as breads, cereals, and vegetables also contain protein.

Choose high-quality protein, such as lean meat, chicken, fish, cheese, or eggs, in your diet. If you eat tuna, choose water-packed, and rinse it well before eating.

To limit fluid:

Do not have more than 48 fl oz (1.4 L) of fluids a day. Foods that are liquid at room temperature, such as soup, Jell-O, and ice cream, count as fluids.

Be aware that some fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water and will count in your fluid intake. Examples include grapes, oranges, apples, lettuce, and celery.

To limit phosphorus:

Limit your phosphorus intake to 800 to 1000 mg a day.
Limit your intake of dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, or ice cream.
Avoid nuts, peanut butter, seeds, lentils, peas, and beans.
Avoid drinks such as beer, cola drinks, and cocoa.

To limit potassium:

Ask your doctor if it is all right to use a salt substitute. Some people with kidney disease need to limit their potassium intake.

Use lemon, herbs, and other spices to flavor your meals. Most commercially available salt substitutes are very high in potassium.

If you are having trouble keeping your weight up, keep the following in mind:

You may eat bread, tortillas, and cereals, but avoid bran breads or cereals. Do not eat pretzels, chips, or other salted snack foods.

You may use margarine, oil, and mayonnaise to add calories to your diet. Vegetable oils like olive oil, canola oil, or safflower oil are the healthiest choices.

Unless you have diabetes, you may use honey and sugar to increase energy and add calories.
It is important to continue to eat meals and snacks at regular times.

There has been a correlation between the lack of the kidney functions and low levels of omega 3 fatty acids which are found in fish products.

Patients who are not getting enough omega 3 fatty acids due to dialysis may find it beneficial to take a fish oil supplement.

These supplements are excellent sources of the essential fats and there are many benefits of omega 3 vitamins which contribute to brain health.

Both fish and fish oil supplements contain important essential Omega 3 fatty acids needed for good health, but as we will see, it isn't just any old fish and nor is it any old fish oil that can do the job.

The subject of kidney disease is very close to my heart. A dear friend of mine suffered from kidney failure for some time, and last year was blessed to receive a donor. I am happy to say that he is now living a fulfilled life again with his wife and four beautiful children. It is my hope and prayer that everyone reading this article will also receive the transplant that they so desperately need. Of course, as with any advice given at Botanical Health Magazine, please check with your physician before implementing any information on this site.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Calcium and Calcium Deficiency.....

Calcium..... is arguably the most important nutrient in your body. As the most abundant mineral it has several important functions. More than 99% of your calcium is stored in your bones and teeth where it supports their structure and is ready to be called into action for many other critical functions.1 A few of these calcium functions are muscle contraction, blood vessel contraction and expansion, the secretion of hormones and enzymes, and sending messages through the nervous system.2 The amount of calcium in your body fluid and tissues is closely regulated so that these vital body processes function efficiently.

Your bones are continuously breaking down and being formed at the same time. This process of remodeling involves a constant breakdown of bone (resorption) and deposition of calcium into newly deposited bone (bone formation).2 The balance between bone resorption and deposition changes as you age. When you are a child there is a higher amount of bone formation and less breakdown. In early and middle adulthood, these processes are relatively equal. As an aging adult, particularly among postmenopausal women, your bone breakdown exceeds its formation, resulting in bone loss, which increases your risk for osteoporosis.

Calcium Deficiency.....The US Surgeon General warns that by 2020, ½ of people over 50 will be at risk for osteoporotic fractures! Not osteoporosis, but worse than that - fractures! Notice that the Surgeon General did not say "those over 80" are at risk of fracture. He said "over 50"! America is one of the top sufferers from Osteoporosis in the world. Why, you ask? Look at the following major government studies.

From 1982 -1986 the US Food and Drug Administration conducted the "Total Diet Study" in which they found Calcium, Magnesium and several other minerals were deficient in several ages and gender groups.

In 1996 USDA completed its "Continuing Survey of Food Intakes of Individuals" corroborated the FDA's study. The USDA found both boys and girls, men and women deficient in Calcium. The most shocking statistic is for teen girls - 87% do not get recommended intakes of calcium. The Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and others are also warning that we need adequate calcium.

Recent clinical studies show that if you supplement to build bone as children, it's like depositing "money in the bank" for your old age. Bone loss is inevitable for women and men as we age, but if you started out with a large account it helps later in life. In other words, osteoporosis is largely preventable!

Your Magnesium Status.....Magnesium deficiency alters your calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium. Please see our magnesium pages for more information on magnesium deficiency, and magnesium benefits.

Your Age.....Your children's calcium absorption can be as high as 60% because their bodies need calcium to build strong bones. Your absorption slowly decreases to 15-20% in adulthood and even more as you age. Because your calcium absorption declines with age, recommendations for dietary intake of calcium are higher if you are age 51 and over.

Vegetables To Eat.....Phytic acid and oxalic acid, which are found naturally in some plants, may bind to calcium and prevent it from being absorbed optimally. It is important to note that these substances affect the absorption of calcium from the plant itself not the calcium found in other calcium-containing foods eaten at the same time.

Examples of high oxalic acid foods are spinach, collard greens, sweet potatoes, rhubarb, and beans. Foods high in phytic acid include whole grains, beans, seeds, nuts, grains, and soy isolates.

Get Your Calcium.....Order today at!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Some Botanical Options for Fibromyalgia.....

Fibromyalgia, the “sore all over” syndrome, is a condition that mainly affects women in their late 30s and 40s. People who suffer from fibromyalgia often say they wake up in the morning feeling like they’ve been run over by a truck. Fibromyalgia may be part of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFT), with pain being a more prominent symptom than fatigue. It causes generalized pain and aching throughout the body, morning stiffness, fatigue, disturbed sleep, and tender spots on the body.
Diagnosis of fibromyalgia is based on the presence of widespread muscle pain, aching, or stiffness, with absence of other conditions that would account for the pain, as well as tenderness when pressing on eleven of eighteen trigger points, non-refreshing sleep, frequent headaches, numbness, tingling, and chronic pain in the neck and shoulders.

Treatment of fibromyalgia requires a multi-pronged approach, including gentle exercise and massage and nutritional and vitamin supplements to stimulate the immune system. A high-quality diet emphasizing fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains and beans, and supplemented with chicken and fish is essential. It is important to use an elimination diet or specialized testing by a natural practitioner to identify food allergies. Sugar, junk foods, and excessive animal protein must be avoided.

Proper rest and balancing of activities with rest is mandatory. This illness requires a complete change of attitude and lifestyle as well as elimination of all major stresses.

Evening primrose oil is usually recommended for fibromyalgia. The usual dosage is four capsules combined with two capsules of cod liver oil (containing vitamin A 1,250 IU and vitamin D 100 IU) taken with breakfast and lunch.

Magnesium supplementation is critical to the treatment of fibromyalgia. One study showed that 300 to 600 mg of magnesium malate per day had very positive results in decreasing the number and severity of tender points. Malic acid (derived from apples) by itself is also helpful.

Other important supplements include zinc, vitamin E, mega-B-50, beta carotene, and vitamin C. Niacinamide, 500 to 1,500 mg a day, is an inexpensive supplement helpful in treating the pain of fibromyalgia.

A six week trial of coenzyme Q10 in doses of 90 to 200 mg daily is recommended by Dr. Paul Cheney, particularly for improving fatigue, thought processes, muscular weakness, and associated heart problems.

Research has found the levels of B12 to be low in the cerebrospinal fluid of CFS and fibromyalgia patients. Some doctors have found that daily or bi-weekly injections of vitamin B12 are helpful. Most patients can learn to do the injections themselves at home.

To aid in sleeping, tryptophan is highly useful. Tryptophan is an amino acid, one of the building blocks of protein, and is available only by prescription in Canada. In doses of 2,000 to 4,000 mg it helps you to sleep without a hangover effect. In the US and Canada, a precursor of tryptophan known as 5-hydroxy-tryptophan is available without prescription. (50 mg of 5-hydroxy-tryptophan equals 500 mg of tryptophan.)

Dr. Michael T. Murray, in the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine (Prima Publishing, 1997) recommends a combination of 5-HTP (50 to 100 mg), magnesium (150 to 250 mg), and St. John’s wort extract (300 mg standardized to contain 0.3 percent of hypericin), all taken three times a day.

It is important to support the adrenal glands, which are often exhausted by fibromyalgia, by taking extra vitamin C, pantothenic acid, and adrenal glandulars two to three times a day. Acupuncture stimulation of trigger points and tender points by an experienced acupuncturist can be very helpful. If you suspect you have this condition you may have to educate both yourself and your doctor. Often when complaining of symptoms of fibromyalgia, women have been dismissed by their doctors, told their problem was all in their head, or referred to a psychiatrist. Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia must be taken seriously by physicians and women alike.
At Botanical Health Magazine, we are proud to recommend Nutrilite as our pick for organic supplements. Nutrilite has been providing the world with superior supplements for many years from their certified organic farms. To learn more about their product line and order most of the vitamins mentioned in this article visit today.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Do Pestisides Really "Bug" You?

In the U. S., many of the chemicals responsible for contaminating the food supply have been banned. However, other countries continue to manufacture and use those chemicals, and their residues are carried across the globe by air, water currents and precipitation. "United States consumers have a right to know that chemicals banned in this country years ago continue to contaminate their food," said Kristin Schafer of Pesticide Action Network.

The group's evaluation of POP residue data yielded hard-to-believe findings, including the following:

*Virtually ALL food products are contaminated with POPs which have been banned in the U.S., including baked goods, vegetables, fruit, poultry, meat and dairy products.

*It is not unusual for daily diets to contain food items contaminated with 3 to 7 POPs.

*A typical holiday dinner menu of 11 food items can deliver 38 "hits" of exposure to POPs - a "hit" is one persistent toxic chemical on one food item.

*The sample daily meal plans used in the study were each found to deliver between 63 and 70 hits.separate exposures to POPs per day.

*The 2 most pervasive POPs found in food are dieldrin and DDE. Dieldrin is a very persistent and highly toxic organochlorine pesticide banned since the late 1970s. DDE is a breakdown product of DDT, which has been banned in the United States since 1972.

The report shows rather convincing and compelling evidence that organic foods are much less likely to have any residues. That when organic foods have residues they have fewer and that the levels of the residues are generally lower.

The report's findings are based on pesticide residue data collected on a wide variety of foods by the United States Department of Agriculture from 1994 to 1999, tests conducted on food sold in California by the state's Department of Pesticide Regulation from 1989 through 1998, and tests by Consumers Union in 1997. The combined data covered more than 94,000 food samples from more than 20 crops. 1,291 of those samples were organically grown, about 1.3%.

The Agriculture Department data showed that 73% of the conventionally grown foods had residue from at least one pesticide and were 6 times as likely as organic foods to contain multiple pesticide residues. Only 23% of the organic samples of the same groups had any pesticide residues.

The data obtained from the FDA shows that levels of contaminants in food are often at, or near, the levels found by the federal government to cause public health concern. In addition, recent scientific studies have discovered that exposure to minuscule levels of POPs at crucial times in fetal and infant development can damage or disrupt human hormone, neurological, reproductive and immune systems.

Botanical Health Magazine understands that in our current economy buying organic may not always be feasible to your budget. We have compiled a list of fruits and vegetables with the least amount of pesticide contamination:

Kiwi Fruit


Monday, July 27, 2009

What is Gout?

Gout is a form of joint inflammation that is caused by excess uric acid in the body. This happens due to poor diet, stress and not enough sleep. Gout causes a sudden and severe pain — you’ll notice the skin over the affected joint is usually red and glossy. Often times, gout attacks come on as fast as overnight. Men between 30 and 50 years old are mostly affected by gout, for pre menopausal women, the uric acid level is lower, but after age 50 uric acid tends to increase along with the increase of gout incidents.

Primarily, gout affects one and sometimes two joints at a time; more often it attacks the feet and ankles. Even without healing, the pain subsides for about a week. It takes months or years before it returns, during this time attacks become more frequent and more severe, more joints are now involved. And when gout becomes chronic, the damage to the joint is deforming and crippling.

Can gout be cured naturally?

Curing gout naturally takes time, especially if a body has accumulated toxins over a lifetime, but it will be well worth the effort. Cleansing your system of accumulated toxins promotes proper functioning of your body and puts you on the road to natural good health.

Here’s what you can do:

1. Maintain a healthy weight and diet. It is not recommended to be 30 pounds (or more) overweight, as this increases the risk of gout.
2. Loose weight if you need to. By loosing weight you reduce the pressure on weight-bearing joints and also lower uric acid levels. You don’t want to use practices that encourage rapid weight loss such as fasting as it can raise the uric acid level temporarily.
3. Avoid excessive eating of high protein foods. It is suggested for a person to eat no more than six ounces of lean meat, fish and poultry, especially those who already have gout. A high-protein food increases the blood level of uric acid. Natural treatment for gout
Eating simple and natural food in proper combination and preparation helps your body restore and maintain vibrant health. The best diet for people with gout is 80 percent raw food or if possible organic food; these include live foods like sprouts, wheat grass, and fresh picked garden salads, and more grains, fruits and vegetables in place of protein.
The protein you need can come from non-animal food sources like legumes, such as beans, peas and lentils. Nuts are also essential and can include almonds, apricot nuts, and hazelnuts, as well as seeds such as hemp seed hearts, flax, and sesame. A substance in some foods known as purines is a danger to gout patients and should be limited or avoided as much as possible.

The foods that contain high levels of purines include,
• Organ meats like liver, brain, kidney, tongue, tripe, and sweetbread
• Anchovies, herring and mackerel
• Meats, poultry, fish, shellfish, fish roe, scallops
• Peas, lentils, and beans though they have small amounts of purines, they should still be avoided by people suffering from gout.

Balancing the pH in a person’s body is a crucial factor in curing gout; proper pH produces a healthy immune system and internal environment. Healing of chronic illness occurs when the blood is restored to normal or slightly alkaline pH.

Exercise is another essential for curing pains caused by gout. Stretching increases and maintains a range of motion in the joints and helps to strengthen and stabilize them. This also increases the endurance and stamina of the body overall.

Reducing repetitive use of joints, and avoiding sports injuries by including proper warm-ups are also important, as it choosing suitable sports equipment for exercising.

Another way is treat gout naturally is to avoid alcoholic beverages; consuming excessive alcohol like beer inhibits the excretion of uric acid and can lead to gout. It is advised for a male to have two drinks of alcohol per day, one drink per day for women. It is best for a person who is having a gout attack to refrain from drinking alcohol.

Drinking water and is also a natural way of curing gout because it has the ability to dilute uric acid in both blood and urine.

For a natural anti-inflammatory, and pain reliver try Arnica Lotion, from Salmon Creek Botanicals. To order visit today!

Monday, July 6, 2009

What is Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia areata is a hair-loss condition which usually affects the scalp. It can, however, sometimes affect other areas of the body. Hair loss tends to be rather rapid and often involves one side of the head more than the other.
Alopecia areata affects both males and females. This type of hair loss is different than male-pattern baldness, an inherited condition.

What causes alopecia areata?

Current evidence suggests that alopecia areata is caused by an abnormality in the immune system. This particular abnormality leads to autoimmunity. As a result, the immune system attacks particular tissues of the body. In alopecia areata, for unknown reasons, the body's own immune system attacks the hair follicles and disrupts normal hair formation. Biopsies of affected skin show immune cells inside of the hair follicles where they are not normally present. What causes this is unknown. Alopecia areata is sometimes associated with other autoimmune conditions such as allergic disorders, thyroid disease, vitiligo, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. Sometimes, alopecia areata occurs within family members, suggesting a role of genes and heredity.

How is alopecia areata treated naturally?

In approximately 50% of patients, hair will regrow within a year without any treatment. The longer the period of time of hair loss, the less likelihood that the hair will regrow.
A study reported in the journal Archives of Dermatology (vol. 134, 1998;1349-52) showed effectiveness of aromatherapy essential oils (cedarwood, lavender, thyme, and rosemary oils) in some patients. As with many chronic disorders for which there is no single treatment, a variety of remedies are promoted which in fact have no benefit. There is no known effective method of prevention, although the elimination of emotional stress is felt to be helpful. Much research remains to be completed on this complex condition.

This story is close to our heart here at Botanical Health Magazine as one of our close friends has a child stricken with alopecia. They are currently trying different combinations of essential oils and herbs. We will keep you posted with the results.