Botanical Health Magazine

Botanical Health Magazine is a weekly online publication about current botanical health issues. We are determined to educate and inform those interested in good health, by discussing the benefits of clean food, and harmful chemicals that contaminate our world. Let us help you in your journey towards healthier living.....

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What's New in Arthritis Research?

*** Dramatic Surge In Arthritis Predicted
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new arthritis prevalence estimates in the January 2006 issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism. The prevalence of doctor-diagnosed arthritis is projected to increase from the current 46 million to nearly 67 million (25 percent of the adult population) by the year 2030. Of those 67 million, 25 million are projected to report arthritis-related activity limitation. In 2030, more than half of the people with arthritis will be older than age 65. Almost one-third of all cases will be in working-age adults, those 45 to 64 years old.This large increase poses a major challenge to the health care and public health systems. This burden can be reduced by increasing the availability of current interventions aimed at prevention and improving quality of life through lifestyle changes and disease self-management. Programs, such as the Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program, Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program, and Arthritis Foundation Self-Help Program are available throughout the country to help people with arthritis, or those at risk of developing arthritis, to take control.

***There are many prescription drugs available to the consumer for arthritis, but at what cost are we paying? Results take time to measure, and it is a fact that our internal body is paying the price for these drugs. There are many all natural alternatives that can be just as effective as prescibed medication. Our pick is Arnica Lotion made by Salmon Creek Botanicals. This product is an herbal infusion of arnica montana and ground ginger, with ten different essential oils, as well as olive oil and shea butter. Give it a try today at!

Friday, October 26, 2007

What is Shea Butter Anyway.....?

Shea butter comes from seeds of wild shea trees scattered throughout the fields and forests of the wooded savanna in central and northern Togo. The moisturizing and healing properties of shea butter have recently been discovered by the western cosmetic industry, but shea butter has been a mainstay of African pharmacology for centuries.
Shea butter has many useful properties and has been traditionally used as a decongestant, an anti-inflammatory for sprains and arthritis, a healing salve for babies' umbilical cords, a lotion for hair and skin care, as cooking oil, and for lamp fuel. However, the protective and emollient properties of shea butter are most valued for skin care. In central Togo, shea butter is applied to the skin and hair as a moisturizer and is also a main ingredient in traditional black soaps.

~Moisturizing & Healing Benefits of Unrefined Shea Butter~

Unrefined shea butter contains an abundance of healing ingredients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins and a unique fatty acid profile, and is a superior active moisturizer. Unlike petroleum based moisturizers, shea butter actually restores the skin's natural elasticity. Shea butter enables your skin to absorb moisture from the air, and as a result, it becomes softer and stays moisturized for longer. In addition, shea butter has natural sunscreen properties and anti-inflammatory agents. Because of its amazing properties, shea butter is an excellent ingredient for soaps, lotions and creams. Perhaps it is most effective when applied to the skin in its pure state. Regular users of pure, unrefined shea butter notice softer, smoother, healthier skin. Shea butter has also been shown to help with skin conditions and ailments such as extreme dryness, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, skin allergies, fungal infections, blemishes, wrinkles, stretch marks, scars, scrapes, and more.
Unrefined shea butter is a valuable natural resource for West African and could be an important tool in empowering local communities. However, most shea butter on the market in the United States and Europe is not fairly traded. The women who gather shea nuts and hand craft this remarkable oil receive only a tiny fraction of the final price. It is estimated to take 20 to 30 hours of labor to produce one kilogram of handcrafted shea butter, which is traded at $1 or less in today's market. A woman making shea butter in West Africa will receive only a fraction of this price. Therefore, a person working for 30 hours, almost a week's worth of work, will not receive even a dollar for her efforts. Even if she received the whole dollar, this does not even begin to reach living wage standards. Through our direct involvement of the entire process - from gathering the wild shea nuts and crafting the butter, to distribution locally and abroad - our members receive fair and steady incomes. In addition, a large percentage of your purchases will go directly back to our community in the form of community enhancement projects, AIDS and malaria outreach, and educational scholarships. We believe in "building African self-empowerment the moral way" and truly appreciate your involvement in reaching our goals. Visit the Fair Trade Federation to learn more about fair trade. Visit our non-profit organization - the Global Alliance for Community Empowerment and Alaffia Fair Trade Shea Butter for more information on what we do to support our communities.

~Refined & Unrefined Shea Butter - the Difference ~

Only pure, unrefined shea butter has the true healing and moisturizing properties of shea butter. Most shea butter available to the general public outside West Africa is white and odorless, in other words it has been "refined" to remove the natural scent and color of natural shea butter. In the process, the majority of the effective agents are also removed. In addition, refined shea butter has usually been extracted from the shea kernels with hexane or other petroleum solvents. The extracted oil is boiled to drive off the toxic solvents, and then refined, bleached, and deodorized, which involves heating it to over 400¡F and the use of harsh chemicals, such as sodium hydroxide. Shea butter extracted in this manner still contains some undesirable solvent residues, and its healing values are significantly reduced. Antioxidants or preservatives such as BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) or BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) may be added as well. The end result is an odorless, white butter that may be aesthetically appealing, but lacks the true moisturizing, healing, and nutritive properties of true traditional shea butter. In addition, refined shea butter is often hard and grainy, not smooth and creamy like pure, unrefined shea butter. All that can be said for refined shea butter is that it has an extended shelf life, a white, uniform color, and no odor.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Precious Pets!

Feeding your pets all natural food will greatly reduce the physical and mental speed of premature aging in our pets, associated with a lifetime of poor nutrition. Several degenerative diseases, such as cancer, kidney disease, heart disease, arthritis, skin problems, bowel problems (such as Pancreatitis), and even diabetes have been found to either be hurried up or slowed down very much by what is eaten. Please keep in mind that by also feeding a properly put-together home-made or raw diet will provide these same benefits, and more!
Scientists have demonstrated that as animals and people eat unsuitable food, or unsuitable amounts of food, they age or degenerate more rapidly, and as they do, they become more prone to disease...which can lead to extremely high, and perhaps unmanageable, veterinary bills. Are you asking yourself yet, "why hasn't my vet recommended a diet change yet?" Yes, I would ask that of them too. Unfortunately most vets receive little education in vet school on canine & feline nutrition, other than what the commercial pet food company reps tell them! And believe it or not, but many vets make a lot of money by retailing the same pet foods they were taught about, by these company reps, in vet school. Since feeding an all natural diet to my Boxers for four years, my vet has only seen them for routine vaccinations and spay/ neuter. In fact, I am one of the lucky ones who has an open-minded vet, who refers many of his patients to me, who he believes their symptoms are diet-related. I'm very honored he does this.
As with us humans, pets are just as susceptible of suffering a variety of diseases and illnesses due to a weakened and compromised immune system, some of which are irreversible. Just to name a few, our pets are more susceptible, and less likely to combat and resist the following conditions/diseases by a weakened immune system:
· Parasites (e.g. mange) · Cancer & leukemia (in cats) · Frequent colds or flu · Recurrent bacterial infections & viruses · Fungal disease · Slow wound healing · Frequent injury · Allergies · Respiratory inflammations · Diabetes · Aging dogs and cats · Frequent vet visits for minor ailments
Pet owners are beginning to understand that treatment for existing conditions for their pets should not be the only way they deal with health problems. Preventative care is critical for animals, just as it is for humans. ANIMALS have emotions, attitudes and personalities just like humans. To care for an animal, it is helpful to observe the animal and learn how to distinguish between normal regular behavior and behavior that is unusual and out of balance. Pets often reflect the emotions of the people close to them and the environment in which they live. Emotions such as fear, anxiety, worry or depression can lead to disease because they deplete the physical body of its natural vitality, thereby compromising the immune system's ability to function properly. My philosophy is that what an animal eats, (the quality of nutrients, along with proper supplementation), as well as the purity of his environment, is the foundation of his overall well-being. By staying as close to the ways of nature and eliminating harsh chemicals from their diet and environment, we have seen miraculous changes take place in the lives of countless pets, as well as their delighted owners that I have known through the years. By feeding all natural foods or a properly prepared homemade/raw diet, you are boosting your pet's natural immune defenses, improving it's health, increasing it's athletic performance, bolstering it's overall nutrition and adding years to it's life expectancy.
Need I say more?
This article originally published at
--Check out our friends at for a wide variety of all natural pet snacks and treats. Twisted Biscuit made its deput as the "Original" pet treat bakery at the Vancouver Farmers Market in April 2000. We have made a lot of friends, devoted customers, and we've met their owners too. These treats are prepared at home, baked totally from scratch with fresh and only the finest ingredients. There are NO preservatives or additives. We also show our genuine love for animals by donating to different charities in the community.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Flower Power!

The name "calendula" refers to the plant's tendency of blooming according to the calendar, either once a month or at the new moon. The calendula flower is native to the Mediterranean and tropical countries. The delicate petals of the calendula plant, Calendula officinalis have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. In both historic times up to the present day, calendula flowers have been used to speed the healing of burns, bruises, and cuts, as well as eczema. The calendula flowers contain a variety of compounds which are believed to support wound healing.
--Calendula is thought to be an anti-inflammatory, constricting blood vessels to stop bleeding. It may also be anti-bacterial. Calendula was used during the American Civil War to draw out infection. Herbalists believe calendula is very versatile, speeding the healing of wounds, making the skin more supple by increasing blood supply to it, and soothing pain when used topically on abrasions, and acne.
--Internally, the soothing effects of Calendula were used for stomach ulcers and inflammation. A sterile tea of this herb was also applied in cases of conjunctivitis. Calendula has been found to be antispasmodic, aperient, cholagogue, diaphoretic, vulnerary. The primary chemical constituents of this herb include saponins, carotenoids, flavonoids, mucilage, bitter principle, phytosterols, and polysaccharides resin. Cautions - Calendula has No Known Toxicity, and is considered safe in normal applications. There are no known drug interactions with Calendula.
--As with any herbal remedy, check with your naturopathic physician before using.

Oh Baby!

As parents we all love the snoogly good smell of a baby after a bath and especially after they are all lotioned up. That's a good thing..... right? Maybe baby. Before we must mull over the of that yummy smelling lotion with which you are anointing your little one; let's consider a few facts about babies.
*Babies skin is about five times thinner that ours.
*Their skin is significantly more permeable: what goes on it, in general,
goes into the child's body in some form.
*And once in there, it may have a surprisingly strong effect.
Johnson's Baby Lotion is fairly typical of the content of most commercial products in the US. What are these chemicals? Are they harmful?
Johnson's Baby Lotion: The Number one Choice of Hospitals Ingredients:
Water, Propylene Glycol, Myristyl Myrlstate, Glyceryl Stearate, Oleic Acid, Stearic Acid, Polysorbate 61, Dimethicone, Isopropyl Palmitate, Stearoxytrimethylsilane, Sorbitan Stearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Synthetic Beeswax, Stearyl Alcohol, Benzyl Alcohol, Carbomer, Fragrance, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben, BHT, Sodium Hydroxide, Red 33.
--The answer may, of course, be that they are not harmful. But Scientists are concerned that some of these chemicals can "bioaccumulate"; that is hang around in your child's body. These are chemicals called xenobiotics that are considered "gender bending" chemicals that can, it seems, disrupt the human endocrine system.....our hormones. Toxicologists warn us that the younger you are, the more significant it is to be exposed to hormone-disrupting or hormone-mimicking chemicals. The most concerning are the parabens that are used as a preservative in almost all commercially manufactured products : methylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben.
So What's A Mom To Do?
There are smaller companies that are committed to leaving these type of chemicals out of their products... search them out online, the health food store or your local farmer's market. And if you've just got to love that little one up consider a soothing massage with organic oils such as almond, sunflower, or grape seed oil. Essential oils are readily available to the public; feel free to add very small amounts...just 2-3 drops in 2 ounces of oil. Lavender, chamomile, and rose are nice for the twelve months and under crowd! Still not sure about all this? Talk to your naturopathic physician to get more information.
Here at Botanical Health Magazine our #1 pick for all natural, herbal infused skin care for babies is the Salmon Creek Botanicals line.....Baby Colours. You can check out their website at
Article written by Judith Caporiccio.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Press Release : Salmon Creek Botanicals Celebrates It's Fifth Year Anniversary!

Salmon Creek Botanicals celebrates five years of botanical excellence! They offer a wide variety of natural skin care, from lotions to body washes, as well as massage oils, and bath products. These products are made fresh daily using no synthetic ingredients, chemical fragrances or harmful parabens. Check them out today at !

What's in Your Lotion? The Dangers of Synthetic Preservatives...

We were recently asked if we’d write some items on organic beauty, specifically on products that don’t contain parabens. Firstly though, here’s a bit of an introduction for those of you who haven’t yet heard about this issue.
More and more people are becoming aware of, and worried about the amount of chemicals cosmetic products contain - and what those chemicals might be doing to our bodies. Did you know for example, that some estimates put the average number of chemicals applied to our bodies daily at a massive 200? And that’s just from using the sort of body and skincare products we all slather on every day.
So it’s no surprise that organic products are becoming more and more popular. Most well known cosmetics brands use synthetic preservatives like parabens (including methylparaben, propylparaben, isoparaben, and butylparaben) in their products - check the labels on products you own and use, and you’re bound to find them. They’re commonly used in shampoo, moisturiser, cleansing and shaving gels and toothpaste. They’re also used as food additives.
So what’s so bad about synthetic preservatives? Well, parabens have been known to cause allergic reactions for a long time, but recently it has been discovered that they can increase a woman's risk of breast cancer. These chemicals can also transfer to the uterine lining and cause reproductive abnormalities. Young boys exposed to such chemicals either prior to puberty or as fetuses also may be at an increased risk for undescended testicles, testicular cancer, sperm abnormalities and prostate disorders.
More immediately alarming perhaps is the fact that there are preservatives used in cosmetics which actually release small amounts of formaldehyde - which is not only an irritant and skin sensitizer, but is cancer-causing and damaging to the nervous system.
Because these agents are present in topical cosmetics we apply and then leave on our skin (such as moisturisers), this means that they have a long time to penetrate the skin and migrate into the blood stream. Recent research has also indicated that these chemicals could damage cell-processing properties in ways that could potentially lead to skin cancer.
While parabens are less toxic than other chemicals we may be exposed to, the problem lies in the fact that they’re commonly included in so many products we use daily, thus upping our exposure to them. This is a reason why some people are now calling for the re-evaluation of their use in cosmetic and topically applied products.
So at this point you might be asking yourself, why on earth are these preservatives being used? Well, cosmetics contain active ingredients which would quite literally go off if preservatives weren’t included, and parabens are anti-microbial. And - they’re cheap. But there is some good news - there are actually preservatives out there which are both gentle on our systems and which have effective preservative qualities. They include grapefruit seed extract, potassium sorbate, sorbic acid, tocopherol (vitamin E), vitamin A (retinyl), Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
So the trick is to be informed. Read labels, find out what’s in the product you’re about to buy. Or buy organic, preservative-free products.
*Footnote: This article was originally posted by

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Got Arnica?

Arnica (arnica montana) has been used for medicinal purposes since the 1500's. It is recognized by the FDA as, generally regarded as safe, for external use only. Arnica, known mostly to Europeans, and Native Americans to soothe muscle aches, reduce inflammation and heal wounds. Germany's Commission E, an expert committee on herbal drugs and preparations from medicinal plants, cites Arnica Lotion as an effective treatment for various post-traumatic conditions, including bruises, sprains, contusions, rheumatoid arthritis, and swelling due to fractures. Arnica is also very effective for sore muscles, joints, back, neck, and knee pain. Most over the counter arnica products are prepared homeopathically. Homeopathic doses are extremely diluted, and have no detectable amount of plant matter in them. Salmon Creek Botanicals, a natural skin care company in Washington State , manufacture a blend of arnica montana and ground ginger with their unique method of herbal infusion technology, and the healing powers of essential oils to produce an extremely effective arnica product with a very high herbal content. To order Arnica Lotion visit today!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What Can Olive Oil Do For The Skin?

Olive oil is one of the best natural oils that you can put on your skin. It is rich in polyphenols : antioxidants that check the spread of free radicals, or damaging substances caused by sun exposure, pollution, smoking, and alcohol. It is a light antibacterial oil, very much like the oil produced by our sebaceous glands. New studies have shown that olive oil contains natural anti-inflammatory agents. Named oleocanthal by researchers, the compound inhibits activities cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, a pharmacological action shared by ibuprofen. This rich oil absorbs quickly into the skin leaving no greasy feel. Olive oil contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as vitamin E, A. and K. Also known to contain thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Visit where you will find seven all natural olive oil lotions to choose from.